In my opinion, leveraging your time is the key to success.
It increases your productivity and effectiveness.
Here are two things you must do to leverage your time:
1. Write it
Write down whatever you want to get done on PAPER, a WHITEBOARD, or on an APP. This task helps you declutter and free up your mind so that you can think creatively.
2. Prioritize it
Create a priority list. A priority list is an updated version of a to-do list. A to-do list tells you what to get do
ne, but a priority list tells you what to get done first.
Now, how do you know what is a priority? A priority is something that is important and comes first.
Ask yourself these questions:
- What task will give you the greatest impact?
- Which deadline is the closest?
A priority list puts in order the tasks that you need to do to help you get closer to achieving your goals, whether personal or professional. These two suggestions will help you keep your day well-planned and productive.
By Craig Travasso,